
How to Join:

  1. Pay your membership dues (on this page, below).
  2. Use the contact form at the bottom of the page to send a membership request to the Secretary-Treasurer. Your membership will be activated shortly after payment is verified.
  3. Your User ID and Password will be emailed to you.
  4. Use the ID and Password you received to log in and access the members-only functions of this site. Remember to update your personal profile information – you may also change your password at that time.

Membership in the Hagiography Society provides multiple benefits:

  • Inclusion in the HS listserv, with current updates on conferences and other CFPs;
  • Inclusion in and access to the HS Directory, connecting you to other hagiography scholars;
  • Inclusion in the HS Bibliography, publicizing your scholarship to all visitors to the HS site;
  • Subscription to the HS Newsletter, with access to the latest HS news and activities in hagiographic studies internationally and the ability to publicize your events;
  • Preference in the selection process for the Sherry L. Reames Travel Award.

Membership dues are as follows:

  • Regular members: $15 for one year (current calendar year); $40 for 3 years (current calendar year [+2 for 3-yr])
  • Student members: $7.50 per year (current calendar year).

Methods of Payment:

Please note: If the name on the PayPal account does not match the name you use on your membership profile, you must click the “Add” link next to “Add special instructions to the seller” and include your membership name. Otherwise, there is no way to link payments to the correct member.

If you are paying with a credit card through PayPal and your billing address is outside the United States, select your country from the drop-down menu near the top of the PayPal page in order to see the correct form.

Please consider adding a small fixed-amount donation to your dues payment. The donate button elsewhere allows you to give variable amounts. Selecting “Greatest Need” allows us to allocate funds most effectively. Learn more about the Reames Award and Book Prize on our Awards page.

Options: Dues AND Donation

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Options: Dues Only

Please help us keep administrative costs and headaches down by paying your dues on time (by 31 December each year).

If you are unable to pay by PayPal, you may instead send a check (drawn on a US bank only), payable to “Hagiography Society”, to:

Amy Ogden
Department of French
University of Virginia
302 Cabel Hall
P.O. Box 400770
Charlottesville, VA 22904 (USA)

If you are paying by check, please include a dues form with your payment (the dues form is NOT necessary if you pay by PayPal):

  • Click here for a dues form that can be filled in on most computers.
  • Click here for a PDF version of the dues form.

If you have questions, email avo2n (at)

Membership Request Form

This form is for membership in the Society only and does not subscribe you to our listserv. To sign up for the mailing list, please go to the News tab.

Please note: Before filling out the form, please make sure that you have not already registered for a Hagiography Society account. By following the "Login" link on the right, you can retrieve your username and/or password if you have forgotten them.

* indicates required field

For Members

Members have access to additional pages and resources. For more information on becoming a member, see our membership page for details.

Donate today!